

2016-03-21 20:54:41 | 来源:雾林社论坛 | 作者:湍流 | 进入论坛

原帖地址,来自美服官网 http://www.trionworlds.com/arche ... oming-in-bloodsong/

原帖地址,来自美服官网 http://www.trionworlds.com/arche ... oming-in-bloodsong/

在韩服2.9版本中(这里美服Bloodsong版本已经更新了这个),竞技场将分为2种,一种是P2W Arena(吐槽:并不是叫P2W,其实这只是pay to win的意思),就是我们现在能吃buff、吃药、招狗的竞技场,一种是Balanced Arena(平衡竞技场/真剑竞技场),无法吃buff吃药招狗,开放1v1和3v3。
在Balanced Arena里面,技术固然重要,但是更重要的是装备搭配,比如5000板甲传说套银翼站着撸6000顶尖皮甲传说套天鹰,不需要技术。除了装备搭配,下面就是这些buff的选择。
Level out the competition in 3v3 Skirmish and 1v1 Sparring Arenas

Want to play on an even playing field with your opponent? Now’s your chance to shine! Our newest Arena modes, known as Skirmish and Sparring, will ignore the stats provided by your gear and disallow buffs provided by potions. Instead, you’ll be able to choose from one of eight different Gladiator Buffs that will determine your statistics while still allowing you to customize your style of play. You will need the appropriate weapons equipped for the buff you choose, otherwise there will be skills that you will not be able to trigger.
At the beginning of the fight, the buff choices will appear for about 10 seconds – it comes up fast, so pay attention! Choose the one that best applies to your character, or else the system will choose for you! The buffs are as follows:

War Mage (Staff)

  • Intellect: 704智慧
  • Stamina: 470体质
  • Defense: 1024物防
  • Magic Defense: 5123魔抗
  • Melee Attack: 525(不懂)
  • Ranged Attack: 425(不懂)
  • Magic Attack: 600咒力
  • Focus: 2145精准
  • Toughness: 2526战斗熟练
  • Resilience: 4036韧性
  • Post-Cast Mana Regen: 10(魔法恢复?不太懂)
  • Magic Defense Penetration: 420法穿
  • Miscellaneous: Apply Complete Cloth Set Effect, Apply Divine Cloth Armor Set Effect, Apply 2H Weapon Effect(应用全套套装效果,双手效果)

Ranged Rogue (Bow & Arrow)

  • Agility: 1101敏捷
  • Defense: 3073
  • Magic Defense: 3073
  • Melee Attack: 500
  • Ranged Attack: 425
  • Focus: 3475
  • Toughness: 2526
  • Resilience: 4036
  • Post-Cast Mana Regen: 10
  • Miscellaneous: Apply Complete Leather Set Effect, Apply Divine Leather Armor Set Effect, Apply Dual Weapon Effect

Offensive Fighter (2-Handed Weapons)

  • Strength: 1,101力量
  • Defense: 5,435
  • Magic Defense: 0
  • Melee Attack: 600
  • Ranged Attack: 425
  • Focus: 3,475
  • Toughness: 2,526
  • Resilience: 4,036
  • Post-Cast Mana Regen: 10
  • Miscellaneous: Apply Complete Plate Set Effect, Apply Divine Plate Armor Set Effect, Apply 2H Weapon Effect

Defensive Fighter (Sword & Shield)

  • Strength: 470
  • Stamina: 704
  • Defense: 6,901
  • Magic Defense: 0
  • Melee Attack: 500
  • Ranged Attack: 425
  • Focus: 2,145
  • Toughness: 2,526
  • Resilience: 4,036
  • Post-Cast Mana Regen: 10
  • Increased Shield Block: 14%增加格挡率14%
  • Miscellaneous: Apply Complete Plate Set Effect, Apply Divine Plate Armor Set Effect, Apply Shield Effect

Melee Rogue (Dual Weapons)

  • Strength: 704
  • Stamina: 470
  • Defense: 3,073
  • Magic Defense: 3,073
  • Melee Attack: 500
  • Ranged Attack: 425
  • Focus: 2,145
  • Toughness: 2,526
  • Resilience: 4,036
  • Post-Cast Mana Regen: 10
  • Attack Speed: 4%攻击速度
  • Miscellaneous: Apply Complete Leather Set Effect, Apply Divine Leather Armor Set Effect, Apply Dual Weapon Effect

War Priest (Greatclubs)

  • Spirit: 704精神
  • Stamina: 470
  • Defense: 1,024
  • Magic Defense: 5,123
  • Melee Attack: 525
  • Ranged Attack: 425
  • Healing Power: 600
  • Focus: 2145
  • Toughness: 2,526
  • Resilience: 4,036
  • Post-Cast Mana Regen: 10
  • Increases Additional Healing after Critical Healing: 56%极效治疗增加56%
  • Miscellaneous: Apply Complete Cloth Set Effect, Apply Divine Cloth Armor Set Effect, Apply 2H Weapon Effect

Shield Mage (Scepter & Shield)

  • Intellect: 407
  • Stamina: 704
  • Defense: 2,490
  • Magic Defense: 5,123
  • Melee Attack: 450
  • Ranged Attack: 425
  • Magic Attack: 525
  • Focus: 2,145
  • Toughness: 2,526
  • Resilience: 4,036
  • Post-Cast Mana Regen: 10
  • Magic Defense Penetration: 210
  • Increases Shield Block: 7%格挡率增加7%
  • Miscellaneous: Apply Complete Cloth Set Effect, Apply Divine Cloth Armor Set Effect, Apply Shield Effect

Shield Priest (Club & Shield)

  • Intellect: 470
  • Stamina: 704
  • Defense: 2,490
  • Magic Defense: 5,123
  • Melee Attack: 450
  • Ranged Attack: 425
  • Healing Power: 525治愈力
  • Focus: 2,145
  • Toughness: 2,526
  • Resilience: 4,036
  • Post-Cast Mana Regen: 10
  • Increases Additional Healing after Critical Healing: 28%极效治疗增加28%
  • Increases Shield Block: 7%格挡率增加7%
  • Miscellaneous: Apply Complete Cloth Set Effect, Apply Divine Cloth Armor Set Effect, Apply Shield Effect
Both of these new arenas operate on a best-of-three series that lasts for 10 minutes per round. If neither side is able to kill the opposing side, the winner will be determined by the number of points gained during the round.
Additionally, players will be able to participate in these arenas 5 times per day. Afterwards, if you wish to keep fighting, you can purchase Bruiser’s Badges with gold in order to keep up the fight!
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